IIT-Madras team suggests a method to solve Mathematical Models
- Nirav Bhatt Department of Biotechnology
- Sridharakumar Narasimhan Department of Chemical Engineering
Mathematics has been considered a nightmare by many during their school days. While subjects like physics, biology and chemistry seemed to have practical applications, students often found mathematics dry and were confused about the utility of mathematics in everyday life, beyond basic algebra.
Mathematical modelling, a process that uses mathematics to represent the behavior of any real-world phenomenon, allows one to analyze and make predictions about the system when certain changes are made in the system.A mathematical model is essential for various industries and governance as it allows one to predict future conditions, which enable individuals to make a well-informed decision.
“The mathematical models are developed from data obtained by performing a systematic design of experiments. Before we spend resources and time to generate data for modelling, it is important to answer the following question: Is it possible to identify the unknown parameters in the given model structure uniquely? This question can be answered by a set of techniques, called a priori parameter identifiability”, says Dr. Nirav Bhatt, Assistant Professor at IIT Madras and author of the study.