Excellent facilities including an Olympic-standard swimming pool, a well-equipped gymnasium, the impressive IIT-Chemplast cricket ground, a vast stadium and a high-tech wood-floored multipurpose indoor stadium are available in the Students' Activities' Center.
The Institute has excellent sporting facilities in the campus which include:

- K.S Narayanan Centre for Cricketing Excellence
- An athletics stadium
- Four tennis courts (synthetic-floored) and badminton courts (wood-floored)
- An Olympic-standard swimming pool
- Hockey & football fields with floodlights
- Two basketball courts and two volleyball courts
- A well-equipped gymnasium with professional instructors
- Two world-class squash courts
- Weightlifting Arena
- Table tennis facility
- A skating rink around Sangam ground

Sporting Clubs

The resolute commitment and enthusiasm of the student community combined with the unfailing encouragement and guidance from the faculty has created tremendous opportunities for students to hone their talents. There are several Sporting Clubs:
- Aquatics Club
- Athletics Club
- Badminton Club
- Bridge Club
- Cricket Club
- Football Club
- Hockey Club
- Squash Club
- Table Tennis Club
- Tennis Club
- Volleyball Club
- Weightlifting Club
Sport Events
In September, every year, the Institute hosts the Sports Fest – an intercollegiate meet for local colleges in tennis, volleyball, basketball, hockey, football, table tennis, weightlifting and badminton.
IIT Madras plays host to two major All India Inter Collegiate Tournaments for Boys and Girls, namely the GF&KR All India Invitational Basketball Tournament and the Jimmy George Tournament for Volleyball. The Sanmar Tournament for Cricket, where the Institute’s cricket team takes on other teams, is yet another prestigious event hosted by the Institute.

The even semester arrives and serves quite a feast of another set of boisterous sporting events – The Dean’s Trophy. With events like six-a-side footer, bridge, chess and cycling to name a few, the Dean’s Trophy sees just the same amount of fierce competition as the Schroeter. For those wanting more, the various departments have their own sporting events, all played at Sangam under intense floodlights. The Gymkhana Day, in all its honor and glory, finally marks the culmination of all sports activities for the academic year. With glory in the air, the winning hostels are sure to make some fierce celebration cries.
Inter IIT Sports
The Inter IIT Sports Meet is the annual sports tournament of the IITs. With over 3000 athletes participating from all 23 IITs, the event is the biggest and the oldest pan-IIT event. The Meet encompasses two colossal events:
- Aquatics Meet in October
- Main Meet in December

A General Championship (GC) is awarded to the team with the best performance in both events. The seven old IITs take turns, hosting the Meet in all splendor. This fierce competition for pride, prestige and glory equally embraces a great spirit of sportsmanship and marks these moments as the most cherished memories of an IITian’s life. The Meet is perhaps the only event that provides an opportunity for the Institute to meet and interact with the other IITs.
IIT Madras has had its major share of glory, continually excelling at the games and winning the GC 11 times in a row in the past. With over 19 wins in 51 Inter-IIT Sports Meets so far, IIT Madras has established itself as an unstoppable force in the history of the games, thanks to the brilliant performance from the students.