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The focus of the Centres will be on making world-leading measurements in experimental particle physics and investigations in classical general relativity, through semi-classical and quantum gravity as well as cosmology and eventually on ideas related to string theory.

Experimental High Energy Physics

We study the elementary particles of universe and the forces among them. Measurements are made using samples of particle collision data collected by state-of-the-art machines across the world including CERN in Switzerland and KEK in Japan. We work on precision measurements as well as searches for new phenomena. These include the study of both electroweak and strong interactions. We work on the collection and analyses of the data, the design and construction of experiments and the distributed computing that supports these global efforts.

Principal Investigator: Jim Libby

Strings, Gravitation and Cosmology

Strings, Gravitation and Cosmology

The key theme of our proposed Centre will be to explore the fundamental laws of physics from the largest scales in the universe governed by classical gravity, down to the smallest scales dominated by quantum gravity. Our efforts will be aimed at investigating the signatures of classical and quantum theories of gravitation that can be tested against the data emerging from ongoing and upcoming observational missions in cosmology and gravitational wave physics.

Principal Investigator: L. Sriramkumar

