The areas of research include genomic analysis of pancreatic cancers, multiscale digital neuroanatomy with an engineering research and development of drugs that target and treat these non-communicable diseases lile cancer, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

Cancer Genomics & Molecular Therapeutics
The Centre for Cancer Genomics and Molecular Therapeutics is a multidisciplinary centre associated with National Cancer Tissue Bank. The centre is interested in discovering biomarkers in various cancers affecting Indian populations. We are specifically interested in breast cancer, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and paediatric leukaemia. We employ next-generation sequencing technology to study DNA and expression analysis of cancer genomes to identify biomarkers and possible therapeutic targets with the aim to identify personalised treatment for Indian population. The Centre is committed towards developing high quality cancer genomic databases and tools with access to Indian researchers.
Principal Investigator: Mahalingam S.

Digital Neuroanatomy
Our proposed Center for Multiscale Digital Neuroanatomy (MDN) envisions to decipher the architecture of the human brain at unprecedented molecular and cellular resolution, by developing an automated high-throughput experimental-computational pipeline; and to use this digitized architecture (atlas) of human and other species brains to answer fundamental, unresolved questions about human brain development, brain evolution, and environmental causes of neurological disease.
Principal Investigator: Manikandan Narayanan

Molecular Medicine
Non-communicable diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes and stroke contribute to 60% of mortality in India.
Worldwide, the Head and Neck cancer is the sixth most common form of cancer, with an alarming increase in Asian countries. In India, 83% of total CVD burden is due to coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke. One in four Indian adults are reported to have high blood pressure or hypertension that increase occurrence of stroke, a leading cause of death ranking next in incidence to heart attacks and cancer. This proposal is designed to develop drugs that target and treat these non-communicable diseases.
Principal Investigator: Nitish R. Mahapatra