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IIT Madras launches international interdisciplinary Master's programmes

IIT Madras launches international interdisciplinary Master's programmes

  • 5th Apr 2022
  • Hindustan Times

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras on Monday launched international interdisciplinary Master's programmes in the presence of institute Director Professor V Kamakoti and Deepak Karanjikar, Chairman, Finance committee, Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

These degrees are available in nine areas - Energy systems, Robotics, Quantum Science and Technology, Computational Engineering, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Data Science, Cyber Physical Systems, Complex Systems and Dynamics, and Biomedical Engineering, the institute said.

Delegates from the consulates of Sri Lanka, Japan, France, United States and Bangladesh participated in the launch event, IIT Madras said in a statement.

IIT Madras said it is reaching out to students from across the globe, with special emphasis being given to increasing student enrolment from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan.

"IIT Madras delegations visited Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and observed high interests and enquiries from the students regarding this program. A delegation will also visit Nepal later this week," it said.

The Last date to apply for interdisciplinary degrees is 1April 15, 2022. Interested students can apply through the following link:

The institute informed scholarships will be provided to meritorious international students who enroll for these programmes.