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Telephone Directory

To reach IITM telephone extensions from outside, the caller has to dial prefix (044) 2257-xxxx, where xxxx is the PABX number 
For residential PABX lines (wherever provided) 

  • Replace 8xxx with 9xxx
  • Replace 4xxx with 6xxx

If residential line is not provided "Number Not Available" or Engaged Tone will be heard. 
Board PABX No : IVRS (8000) / ASR (9000)

The full format of the email is [Email]

List of Intercom Extensions

Amlan Kumar Sengupta Faculty, Civil Engineering STR 304 Structural Engineering Laboratory 4277 amlan
AMMLa 1 HSB 131 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Block 5864
AMMLa 2 HSB 106 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Block 5869
Amrendra Vijay Faculty, Chemistry CYB 314 Department of Chemical Engineering 4234 avijay
Analytical Research Lab CYB 114 Department of Chemical Engineering 5200
Anand Krishna Kanjarla Faculty NAC1 144 New Academic Complex 4753 kanjarla
Anand Krishnasamy Faculty, Mechanical Engineering ICEL 209 I.C. Engines Laboratory 4720 anand_k
Anand P techstaff, Electrical Engineering ESB 4 Electrical Sciences Block 4476 anandmi5
Anand TNC Faculty, Mechanical Engineering ICEL 204 I.C. Engines Laboratory 4715 anand
Anandamurugan M Deputy Librarian LIB Central Library 4954 am
Anandaram H ADB 3 Central Administration Building 8167 aram
Anandkumar S Techstaff CC 201 P.G. Senapathy Center for Computing Resource 4987 sanand
Ananth Krishnan Faculty, Electrical Engineering ESB 335 Electrical Sciences Block 4451 ananthk
Ananth M S Faculty, Chemical Engineering MSB 151 Mechanical Sciences Block 4155 ananth
Ananthakrishnan P Faculty, Ocean Engineering DOE 104 Department of Ocean Engineering 4811 ananthakrishnan P
Ananthanarayanan K Faculty, Civil Engineering BSB 224 Building Science Block 4278 kananth
Anatonomy & Physiology Lab ED 422 Department of Engineering Design 5639
Anbarasan P Faculty, Chemistry CYB 313 Department of Chemical Engineering 4216 anbarasanp
Anbarasu Manivannan Faculty, Electrical Engineering ESB 332 Electrical Sciences Block 4412 anbarasu
Andrew Thangaraj Faculty, Electrical Engineering ESB 212 Electrical Sciences Block 4424 andrew