Semester Fees
Students/scholars are required to pay their Semester fees as per the category they belong to. The fee structures are different for Indian and foreign nationals.

All students / scholars (including HTTA/HTRA students /scholars) have to pay their semester fees directly online as per fee structure applicable to the category to which they belong.
Dual degree students have to pay their M.Tech fees from 9th semester onwards. Students / scholars are not permitted to pay the Institute fees in installments; the full fees should be paid on or before the deadline otherwise failure to do so will result in a penalty of Rs. 2500 for late payment.
IITM Integrated Fee Payment Portal
To pay the Institute Fees and Hostel Fees - visit https://fees.iitm.ac.in/. . Day Scholars must pay applicable fees as prescribed in the Hostel Fee Circular.
This portal will enable payment of Institute fees (including outstanding), Hostel Fees (including outstanding), Advance Dining Charges and Optional fees from CCW by Students of IIT Madras who fall under the categories Current, Not enrolled and RKA.
Note: : If the transaction fails and money is deducted from your account, then please wait 3 to 5 working days for money to be credited back to your account. If the money is not credited automatically, then contact Finance & Accounts Section at chequeunit@iitm.ac.in with your Roll number, Name and Transaction ID.

The following salient features will be available in the Integrated Fee Payment Portal.
- This portal allows payment of fees by student or by their parents/guardian or others. Passcode will be sent to all students on their Institute smail id. Students are requested not to share this code to anyone except to those who will be paying their fees.
For New Joinees, the passcode will be sent to the registered email id provided during admission process. Students are advised to generate a fresh passcode once they receive their Institute email account (smail account). - This portal enables payment of Institute Fees (including outstanding), Hostel Fees (including outstanding), and Advance Dining charges. Optional fees for events like Shaastra, Saarang and E-summit can also be paid through this portal. The aforementioned fees have to be paid only through this portal.
- This portal facilitates submission of loan details by students regarding the loan amount that has been credited into IIT Madras bank account for easy reconciliation (both for Institute and Hostel fees).
- This portal enables availing refund/ adjustment in the next semester, if excess credit is available.
- This portal is optimized for Desktop and Laptop view only.
For Students availing bank loan for paying Institute Fees, please use the bank account details given in the link, https://fees.iitm.ac.in/assets/circular/tution_fee_loan.pdf
For Students availing bank loan for paying Hostel Fees, please contact the Office of the Chairman, Council of Wardens (CCW Office) for Bank details.