The Central Library provides information services and access to bibliographic as well as full-text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the Institute community.
Well-equipped with modern facilities, the five-storey airconditioned and WiFi enabled facility contains a myriad of resources including CD- ROMs, online databases, audio-video cassettes, books, e-journals, patents, e-standards, theses, reports, monographs, full-text and bibliographical databases among others. The library is divided into different sections - Textbook/Reference, General Stacks, Reading Halls, Journals and Current Periodicals, Media Research Centre (which regularly screens educational and scientific videos), a Book Bank, among many others.

The library has subscriptions to most renowned research journals including e-subscriptions to a palette of journals. Being a member of the Library by default, one can avail access to books/journals and reference materials from other libraries in the city as well. The Library has an online renewal system and also allows members to send requests for books they need. It also houses the Digital Knowledge Centre, which contains computers with broadband Internet connection.
Spread across 4 floors, the Library has separate Reading Halls for Journals, Books and References; Book Bank, Back volumes for Humanities, Social Sciences, Management, Engineering, Technology, Science; and a Children’s Library Corner. The Central Library was awarded the Wiley Library Award 2019 in the 'Digitally Transformed Academic Library (Government)' category.
केंद्रीय पुस्तकालय
2 million +
Journal Subscriptions
e-resource subscriptions