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Organisation and Function

S. No. Item Details of disclosure Remarks/ Reference Points (Fully met/partially met/ not met- Not applicable will be treated as fully met/partially met)
1.1 Particulars of its organisation, functions and duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)] (i) Name and address of the Organization Indian Institute of Technology Madras IIT P.O., Chennai 600 036, INDIA
(ii) Head of the organization Director Central Administration
(iii) Vision, Mission and Key objectives Right to Information
(iv) Function and duties Right to Information
(v) Organization Chart Right to Information
(vi) Any other details-the genesis, inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from time to time as well as the committees/ Commissions constituted from time to time have been dealt Right to Information
1.2 Power and duties of its officers and employees [Section 4(1) (b)(ii)] (i) Powers and duties of officers (administrative, financial and judicial) Right to Information
(ii) Power and duties of other employees Right to Information
(iii) Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and Right to Information
(iv) Exercised Right to Information
(v) Work allocation Right to Information
1.3 Procedure followed in decision making process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)] (i) Process of decision making Identify key decision making points Act and Statutes
(ii) Final decision making authority Act and Statutes
(iii) Related provisions, acts, rules etc. Act and Statutes
(iv) Time limit for taking a decisions, if any Act and Statutes
(v) Channel of supervision and accountability Act and Statutes
1.4 Norms for discharge of functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)] (i) Nature of functions/ services offered Academics
(ii) Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery Academics
(iii) Process by which these services can be accessed Academics
(iv) Time-limit for achieving the targets Academics
(v) Process of redress of grievances
1.5 Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)] (i) Title and nature of the record/ manual /instruction. Right to Information
(ii) List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records. Act and Statutes
(iii) Acts/ Rules manuals etc. Act and Statutes
(iv) Transfer policy and transfer orders Administrative Office Orders / Decisions and Guidelines as approved by Institutes' Governing Body i.e. Board of Governors (BOG).
1.6 Categories of documents held by the authority under its control [Section 4(1)(b) (vi)] (i) Categories of documents Administrative Office Orders / Decisions and Guidelines as approved by Institutes' Governing Body i.e. Board of Governors (BOG).
(ii) Custodian of documents/categories Right to Information
1.7 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority [Section 4(1)(b)(viii)] (i) Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc. Right to Information
(ii) Composition Right to Information
(iii) Dates from which constituted Right to Information
(iv) Term/ Tenure Right to Information
(v) Powers and functions Act and Statutes
(vi) Whether their meetings are open to the public? No
(vii) Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public? No
(viii) Place where the minutes if open to the public are available? NA
1.8 Directory of officers and employees [Section 4(1) (b) (ix)] (i) Name and designation Telephone Directory
(ii) Telephone , fax and email ID Telephone Directory
1.9 Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation [Section 4(1) (b) (x)] (i) List of employees with Gross monthly remuneration Right to Information
(ii) System of compensation as provided in its regulations Act and Statutes
1.10 Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers [Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)] (i) Name and designation of the public information officer (PIO), Assistant Public Information (s) & Appellate Authority Right to Information
(ii) Address, telephone numbers and email ID of each designated official. Right to Information
1.11 No. Of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken (Section 4(2)) No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been
(i) Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings
(ii) Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings Nil
1.12 Programmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26) (i) Educational programmes Periodically organized through INGAF, ISTM
(ii) Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes Related staff members are nominated.
(iii) Training of CPIO/APIO Periodically organized through INGAF, ISTM
(iv) Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned
1.13 Transfer policy and transfer orders [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]   Administrative Office Orders / Decisions and Guidelines as approved by Institutes' Governing Body i.e. Board of Governors (BOG).


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